
2024 FHGC League Information

How Do The Forest Hills Golf Club Leagues Work?

Our ladies have 3 options for Leagues.

Tuesdays-9 Hole League.  5:30 start.  Weekly games.  Handicap required.

Tuesdays-9 Hole Laughers League.  5:45 start plays every other week June through August.  This is a perfect league for ladies new to the game or just want to play for fun.  Cost is $35/year and includes a drink ticket and a tip before you tee off from one of our Pro’s.  Then play as few or as many holes as you like.  Have trouble in the bunker?  Just throw it out of there!  The key is to play and have fun.      

Thursday mornings are for our 18 Holers.  A shotgun start each week at 9am in the spring and fall and 8:30 during the summer.  Handicap required.   

Wednesday Evenings.  5:30 Start.  Individual Match play accumulating points for your team.  4 players from a team play each week.  Form your own team or the Pro Shop can place you on a team. 

9-Hole Men’s League

9-Hole Ladies League

18-Hole Ladies League

Sim League